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Monday, May 9, 2011

Snoring Signs Heart Disease

/ On : 10:21 AM
Health-Net: Sleep disturbances such as loud snoring habits, restless sleep and sleeping uncomfortable signifies the development of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome refers to the existence of at least three of five risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and stroke disease. Risk factors include:
  • excess belly fat,
  • high triglycerides,
  • low HDL cholesterol,
  • high blood pressure and high blood sugar.
Researchers University of Pittsburgh, United States studied 812 men, aged 45 to 74 years, for three years. They found the risk of metabolic syndrome were more than two times higher in those with frequent loud snoring, 80 percent higher in those who have difficulty sleeping, and 70 higher in those with sleep uncomfortable.

The findings, published December 1 in the journal Sleep highlights sleep complaints in general. According to the study's authors, Wendy M. Troxel, assistant professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, United States of this study is the first study that shows the type of the type commonly reported sleep disorder symptoms, including insomnia and sleep respiratory symptoms to predict the development of metabolic syndrome and its relation to heart disease. It's somewhat surprising that the effects of sleeplessness and snoring loudly largely independent of one another, said Troxel.

When the study focused on individual risk factors for metabolic syndrome, researchers found that loud snoring was significantly predicted sign of high blood sugar and low HDL cholesterol levels.

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