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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smoking Causes Kidney Cancer Symptoms

/ On : 9:52 AM
Health-net: Some recent scientific research has produced findings that smoking can cause the risk of advanced kidney cancer symptoms.

Researchers from Duke University Medical Center reviewed all the data from 845 patients with kidney cancer symptoms between 2000 and 2009.

The results showed that those who smoke or even those who previously smoked, is between 1.5 and 1.6 more likely to get fatal kidney diseases.

The more frequent smoking and the more the number of cigarettes smoked, the more chance of getting cancer. If smokers quit smoking, it reduced chances of getting cancer of 9 percent for every 10 years they are smoke free.

The team will display their findings at a special press conference at the annual meeting of American Urological Association, in Washington.

Another study will be presented at the conference showed that bladder cancer did not decline with decreasing levels of smokers in the U.S. lately.

The scientists see the national database and found that lung cancer rates decline, so too smokers between 1973 and 2007, but the decline was not seen at the level of bladder cancer. The decrease was also seen in kidney cancer symptoms.

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